6 relationship emails that increase trust (and sales)

Alex Ko
2 min readAug 3, 2023
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

If you want a tighter bond with your audience, and you want to do it in a non-sales way, this post is for you.

These are the types of emails that you should send to boost the “Know-Like-Trust” element.

Success stories

When businesses share a tale of a customer achieving success with their product, it’s a win-win.

Not only does it put the business in a good light, it also makes customers feel valued and seen.

Give vivid before-and-after descriptions, heartfelt customer quotes, or better, video testimonials.

These bring life and authenticity into your brand.

Bring your team in

Sure, always write what’s in it for your readers, and never about you.

Still, being a mysterious entity can hinder trust building.

But if that’s the case, you’re always an unknown to them. And it’s hard to create trust when your customers don’t know anything about your brand!

The real faces behind the business often make the connection deeper and more relatable.

For example, in your shipping email, reassure your customers that the product has already been shipped by the most outstanding packer — Andy.

It makes for a fun email and adds a human touch to it.

Your origin story

People love a good origin story.

Sharing the journey of the business, the bumps, the victories, and the dream that keeps it all alive helps to build trust and a sense of familiarity with the brand.

A well-told story can reel in an audience and create a bond that lasts.

Go behind-the-scenes

Explain how your products are made.

And why you’ve chosen to do things a certain way.

This shows transparency, authenticity and helps you stand out too because it’s not something most companies are willing to do.

Bring in current events

When something relevant to your industry happens in the news, don’t shy away from it.

Instead, talk about it in your emails.

This demonstrates that your brand is up-to-date and engaged with the world.

But remember to keep it light and non-political, which ensures you won’t alienate your customers.

Ask for feedback

Hearing directly from your customers is important. Not only does it make your customers feel valued and heard, but it also provides invaluable insights into your product and services.

Regularly ask for feedback, and don’t forget to thank them when they do.

Whatever you write about, be authentic, genuine and remember that your business is more than just transactions.

So, if you want to get higher engagement, clicks and conversions, write emails around these themes and watch your results soar.

For more email marketing insights and tips, join my newletter at AlexKopy.com/Newsletter. I often share powerful ideas that don’t make it to Medium.

